Below we explain the background of the Promise Christian University, its connection to the Holy Spirit Supernatural School of Ministry. - What We Believe
"He is Faithful that Promised, " Heb. 10:23
Study with Promise
Promise Christian University (PCU) was founded in 2002 as the school for the training and preparation of men and women for ministry under World for Jesus International Christian Center and Ministries and the Pastors Network, an international association of churches and ministries. Promise Christian University operates under the guidelines offered for religious exempt institutions by the California State Education code CEC 94739 (b) (6). Currently Promise Christian University is registered with the Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education.
Promise Christian University is a continuing education provider for the Association of Christian Schools International and is associated with Christian Educators Association International. The University has been the school of choice for the training and preparation for Chaplains and Chaplain Assistants for the United States Volunteers - Joint Services Command since 2007.
Promise Christian University applied for and was granted Religious Exemption by the Bureau of Private Post, Promise Christian University.
Promise Christian University has obtained two matriculation agreements with two established fully accredited CHEA schools.
Promise Christian University is committed to developing educational academic tracks of study for men and women preparing for leadership in ministry and in the marketplace. Our ciricullum is taught by instructors, each carry an average of 25 years of experience in ministry with the appropriate degrees from accredited schools or schools recognized by Promise Christian University.
Promise Christian University places the quality of education over the quantity and, therefore, will continue to foster godly character traits, leadership skills and academic excellence to men and women in ministry through Bible-based courses of instruction.
Since the founding of Promise Christian University, over 500 students have graduated and received their degree or certificate training. Promise Christian University is an inter-denominational school for theological education operating under the auspices of World for Jesus International Christian Center and Ministries a worldwide ministry as a federally tax-exempt religious organization under the laws of the State of California IRS Code Section 501(c)(3).
…in the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and
the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
…One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
…Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine
miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work,
and His Personal return in power and glory.
…The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart
from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
…The Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believe is enabled to live an holy life, to witness and work for
the Lord Jesus Christ.
…The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ.
... The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost: they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, that
they are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
(World Evangelical Alliance.