HS-SSOM News & Events

Welcome to the Holy Spirit Supernatural School of Ministry!

Wherever you are we welcome you.
If the Holy Spirit leads you to our school we are very blessed to work with you!

HS-SSOM News & Events

Q 11: HS-SSOM News & Events

Every other month news section or calendar of events, highlighting upcoming
3 rd  Thursday of each month. Church on Fire events, conferences, workshops and
missions trips.

–  Available on the website
– Hard copy curriculum
– School social media
– URL Links to the school social media profiles
– Chats that allow visitors to connect to the school and its community.

Coming up soon:

Please also check out our HS-SSOM Blog – Please click the Button below.

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Our vision is to provide a comprehensive educational experience that fosters spiritual growth, discipline, and a deep understanding and love for the Word of God, empowering students to walk in harmony with the Holy Spirit and effectively answer God’s call to ministry.